Friday, December 5, 2008

Project 1:

This (left) is the old design for  Some of the problems that I observed were the overw
helming number of ads and other flash elements on the page.  There is no real focal point for the page and all of the flash banners and ads constantly have your eye moving around the page.

I understand that the product ads are an essential element of the site, but I wanted to focus on reorganizing and condensing them.

Below is the redesigned version of  I believe that it still maintains all of the essential information, while simplifying the overall look of the page.



I like the concept of the website, and feel that it has lots of potential because it has plenty of photographs to work with. Unfortunately the website kind of cluttered the page with images of the games and descriptions. There is an obvious grid executed throughout each page, I feel the designer could have done a little more with it. Especially the first page where there is eighteen game adds with description clogging up the page. Every page looks the same I think something more can be done with the grid besides keeping every page the same but it does work for when you are searching under Pc/ Xbox/ Playstation/ Ds/ Advanced/ & etc. Every time I browse a website, regardless of what site it is I do a search and when I can not find the search box or I have to search for the search box is usually when I give up and change my mind and leave the site. The Game Stop site had it in the general area that the search is located, I liked that. The website also had two side bars the left hand bar included the search box at the top under the usual links followed by a box filled with links of nearly the same thing that is located at the very top of the website. There is also an ESRB box, underneath that a news letter, and under that a speciality box. I can see the purpose of all of those except for the box that is labeled platforms on the homepage, that box is just a box full of links that are already listed at the top, so really its not needed. If you where to click on the platforms link on the left hand side of the page it is organized by platforms/ title/ category/ price/ publisher/ availability/ condition/ ESRB/ & deals. I like the way it is organized I just think that it should be a little more obvious that you can search for your product that way besides clicking on a link that probably not many users even know is there. I also like that there is an arrow that points down to indicate that when you hover over that specific spot there is a drop down menu. On the right hand side of the page is list of six game covers that interchange per visit or each time you refresh the page. I also like the way at the top how the first row of links is the by the council that the games are played on than on the second row is the type of game it is i.e. action/ sports/ etc.  I noticed though that the two rows do not interact together which I think they should. Where you can click on the council than click on the type of game that you would like to look for on that council. But the links can also interact alone as well as by themselves, this way the user can narrow down their searches a little more specifically. When you are at a certain type of game council there is a box under a few pictures of games labeled accesories, I think this box should be located in a more visual area. I do like the design of the links at the top, that is a feature that will defiantly be kept.

Fins N Scales Website Re-Design

JEAN L .../ SPLASH PAGE ART (the after after page...)

This is my Web Site Re-Design. The Final Reconstruction of a page in need of major stylistic repairs. Each box on this page represents a different link. These square box links are set to light up once rolled over. The only flash element on the page. The difficulty in doing this was making sure that each image was the proper resolution and size while designing and paying attention to color balance within the overall site. Everything must be balanced and modern. If I had more time to finish this site completely, other flash elements such as sounds would incorporated into the rollover links. The top bar represents the links from the original page. Theirs were a lot smaller and hard to find. They also had a side bar with links to artists pages. I thought it would be much more effective to have one link to a whole page dedicated to that. Organization is key... and it's 2008, the original page had no modern elements to it. I thought I was peering into the past at some early 90's student made website. This website look a lot more clean and fun.



Chasity Burg


Chasity Burg